World MotoYoga Day by Big Biking Commune is the world’s first and unique concept to celebrate June 21st as the International Day of Yoga as well as the World Motorcycle Day; it is bringing together the passion for motorcycling with a balance on the biker health and well-being. This year the second edition of the World Motor Yoga Day is going online and will be live streamed with bikers participating in this virtual yoga program. To be hosted by seasoned bikers who are yoga masters themselves, the Motoyogis Yogabandhu Prashanth and Sameera Dahiya will be performing specially curated yoga asanas for bikers as they also celebrate their passion on June 21st as the Wold Motorcycle Day.
New Delhi , 23 rd June 2020: To mark the occasion of International Yoga Day and World Motorcycle day, Big Biking Commune, one of India's and South East Asia's largest aggregator platform for biking community celebrated the second edition of World Moto Yoga Day. The live streamed virtual yoga program for bikers was hosted by seasoned bikers who are yoga masters themselves. The Motoyogis Yogabandhu Prashanth and Sameera Dahiya performed specially curated yoga asanas for bikers as they celebrated their passion for Yoga and Biking. The book was released by Mr Sanjay Shreevats, Regional Director, Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India.